Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Diva Time

I wish I would have read this post years ago. Because I didn't, and because it isn't information that we regularly share, I've decided to write it.

Packing friends, let me introduce you to the Diva Cup. When I first considered writing this, I wasn't sure where it would make the most sense: prenatal blog? yoga blog? certainly not recipes. Packing seems to make the most sense.

The Diva Cup, for those far outside of the loop, is akin to a silicone shot glass that one wears internally during the Time as a "Time" management device (instead of tampons). It is washed regularly and reused, and remarkably effective.

When and Why the Diva Cup is Awesome:

1. Packing: if you are headed out on a trip and know that the Time is coming, you can avoid the arduous task of budgeting, guestimating, and making space for the requisite disposable supplies. This saves you space and prevents you from locating a drug store on vacation OR trapsing unnecessary details back and fro.

2. Waste: How much excess waste do you create during the Time, and how much of this will easily biodegrade. I used to give myself a pass for wasting resources because I was in fact still angry at God... but regardless of my personal beliefs that this plan of action is insane, it continues to create actual physical waste that the rest of the inhabitants of earth find equally unjust.

3. Money: The Diva costs roughly $30, and the special soap (which is not required, but is handy) is about $8 per bottle. This will last me about a year, with only the soap recurring on an annual basis. Conservative comparison: $38 Diva, $96 minimum for an annual supply of disposables.

4. Comfort: With the exclusion of a couple of uncomfortable learning moments, it is by far the most comfortable option. Trust me and allow me to spare you the details.

5. Logistics: for most women for most days, the cup only needs to be addressed every 12 hours. Restroom trips will be initiated and governed by numbers one and two, and not by the Time.

The Learning Curve:

There are countless online resources about appropriate placement, fears about the Lost Cup, and other helpful and humorous articles. I leave you to the whim of the Googles to surf at your own risk.

1. It will take THREE months to become proficient at the use of the Diva. During this time, thou shalt not leave home without a backup plan (tampons, etc).

2. Many successful users agree that in the beginning, showers make for the easiest placement/removal spot.

3. Errors in placement usually result from a lack of "turning" the device as you should. It works because it seals, so if it doesn't seal, it doesn't work. If there are no problems during the first hour of use, you've likely got it in the right place.

4. If you will be out of the house AND believe that you will need to remove/replace during the day, you will be most comfortable using a restroom with a toilet and sink in the same space (not a public restroom with stalls). A water bottle and wet wipes are helpful in the event that you must use a stall-based restroom.

5. For TSA approved travel (and even about town) I recommend a small squeeze tube of the special soap, just to keep things easy. This is the GoToob mini.

When it Just Ain't Right:

1. There is some debate in the yoga community about whether or not the Diva is appropriate during various poses, such as inversions. My personal experience is that this has not been a problem, but it is worth awareness as it likely depends on aspects of one's anatomy that one cannot fully describe.

2. Camping presents a few challenges, as the Diva must be washed with hot, soapy, potable water. The logistics of refuse are also a bit complicated, but may in fact be better than the alternative. The same is true for travel anywhere that potable water is not easy to come by.

3. Day One: there is much debate about whether day one is more easily managed via Diva or not, and I suppose this depends on personal experience. In the event that Day One is not workable for you, consider the benefits of using the Diva part-Time.


  1. thanks for the post lady! i too just found this and was so excited until i read that it can't be used with an iud...

    any idea if thats true?? miss you!
    Jenna Hamel

    1. Hi Jenna! I haven't read that but don't know for sure. The literature in the packet says nothing of the sort. Maybe double check with your gyno-friend? Miss you, too :)
